I believe that we all are born with a few seeds in us which people tend to call as passions once they germinate and change into a sapling or a small plant.In order to initiate this process you need the right trigger which everyone receives at different times in their life.
When people say that opportunities come knocking i believe its these stimulus that come in our life from time to time. All we need to do is acknowledge them and try them. Once the seed receives the stimulus there is no stopping it from growing into something bigger.
I believe all BIKERS are born with a similar kind of seed which remains dormant till the day you sit on a motorcycle for the first time and turn the throttle.!! That is the stimulus that the seed was eagerly waiting for and now it will grow into something beautiful if you care enough to acknowledge and nurture it.
I being a slow learner since always understood this aspect quite late. I had a motorcycle before too but it was only used for commuting to school and back. Then when i got a job i bought a new motorcycle with my own money and had big plans for it but ended up finishing around 25000 KM on it just commuting on it between my office and home for 2 whole years.
I always wanted to do trips on my motorcycle but lack of company and my amazing mastery in procrastinating kept me from it. It was after a long wait of mustering up enough courage and fighting my procrastinating instincts that i went on my first long ride.
It was during this ride that I could actually feel (not to sound creepy but) the BIKER seed inside me growing..!! It was as if a sudden realization dawned on me ... "i was born to do this" .... "how have i not been doing this the whole time"..!!!
As the road continued the feeling kept on growing. The feeling of being one with the machine on a never ending road is the most awesome feeling i have ever gotten. Even in the sounds of all the revving engines around me i felt at peace. I could feel my mind letting go of all the tensions and problems and falling into a state of extreme tranquility. Such a tranquility that was hard to get even with weed..!!
It was that day which made me come close to something hidden deep within me. Something that had gotten buried all these years under piles of responsibilities, tensions and unnecessary problems. The feeling of it crawling out from under this huge pile was exhilarating and rewarding at the same time.
I fell in love all over again and i believe that it has been the hottest relationship i have had till now...literally!
I understand her and she understands me. Sitting on a tank full of highly flammable liquid resting on top of a cylinder having mini explosions, might not be the safest way to travel but it sure is the most exciting. This power between your legs suddenly transforms you from a timid, shy person to a riding Superhero. No destination seems too far, no problems seem too big when you are on your Mean Machine. That is WHY I RIDE..!!
My Bike and My Love ( Jenny )